
Daily Journal: A Powerful Habit to a Bigger Life

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Are you looking for place to read full E-Books without downloading? Here you can read Daily Journal: A Powerful Habit to a Bigger Life. You can also read and download new and old full E-Books. Enjoy and relax Reading full Daily Journal: A Powerful Habit to a Bigger Life Books online. . CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

Note to Kindle Readers - The Kindle version of this book is a Free Download. To be able to write in this journal, you will need to purchase the Diary format.This journal helps you follow your curiosity which can lead you to find your passion in life.
In this daily journal, there are prompts and lined pages designed to draw your attention to things that are happening in your daily life. Boredom can be a real threat to our ability to experience fulfillment and significant happiness. When we try new things, we feel energized, excited and happy. It allows us to find new opportunities for our growth. The daily prompts in this journal are, "What's something new I have done today", "Today, I learned", "I am grateful for", "Three amazing things that happened today", "Today's affirmations", "What's something I need to finish, what do I need", "One random act of kindness I have done today". There is also a weekly page for you to draw something positive or to simply paste a beautiful picture.Images are powerful. Our minds react better to imagery and this is a great way to feel appreciation and also attain our goals.Spend a few minutes a day writing in this journal. This is a journey, so it must be practiced regularly. You will be surprised when you look back at how much you have actually learned and how full your life is.

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