
Overcoming Body Dysmorphic Disorder: A Cognitive Behavioral Approach to Reclaiming Your Life

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If you suffer from body dysmorphic disorder (BDD), you are all too aware of the negative impact this condition can have on your life. You may experience intense anxiety about perceived body or facial flaws, or obsess over thinning hair, acne, wrinkles, and scars. You may even undergo repeated cosmetic treatments and surgeries, or avoid going outside for fear of scrutiny—becoming a virtual prisoner in your own home. However, if you are ready to make a change, this book can help.

Overcoming Body Dysmorphic Disorder will help you gain a better understanding of your condition so that you can begin recovering. Based in cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), this book offers practical exercises and worksheets to help you target the cause of your BDD, begin to change the way you think about your body, and prevent future relapse. With this book as your guide, you can move beyond your anxieties and start living with a greater sense of freedom and confidence.

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